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Hearing Loss From 3M Earplugs? Serve In Military 2003 – 2015?‎

Defective Products Lawsuits Latest News

Hearing Loss From 3M Earplugs? Serve In Military 2003 – 2015?‎

If you served in the military between 2003 and 2015 and were issued 3M Dual-End or Reversible Combat Arms Earplugs (CAEv2) and have been diagnosed with Hearing Loss or Tinnitus (Ringing in Ear) you may be eligible for compensation.

Monroe Law Group is investigating claims that 3M and Aearo Technologies knowingly sold defective combat earplugs to U.S. Troops from 2003 to 2015.

Hearing loss is one of the most common and widespread issues affecting the men and women of the United States military. In 2003, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reported that auditory system injuries, including full or partial hearing loss and tinnitus, were the third most common type of service-connected disability. By 2017, tinnitus and hearing loss were the top two service-connected disabilities for all compensation recipients. But while dangerous levels of sound are an unavoidable aspect of combat zones, many military personnel may have been needlessly exposed to hearing loss by using defective combat earplugs distributed by 3M.

In 2018, manufacturer 3M agreed to a $9.1 million settlement to resolve claims that the company knowingly sold dual-ended Combat Arms Earplugs, Version 2 (CAEv2) to the Department of Defense. The earplugs became standard issue and were supplied to thousands of servicemembers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan from 2003 to 2015. The CAEv2 earplugs were marketed as being dual-purpose; wearing them one way would allow sounds such as speech to be heard, while the opposite end would provide protection from damaging sounds like gunfire.

Despite being the exclusive provider of selective attenuation earplugs for the U.S. military, the whistleblower qui tam lawsuit alleged that 3M (and Aearo Technologies, which was acquired by 3M in 2008) knowingly sold CAEv2 earplugs that contained a critical design defect.

Allegedly, the CAEv2 earplugs were too short for proper insertion into soldier’s ears, causing them to loosen imperceptibly during use which effectively rendered the earplugs useless.

3M and Aearo Technologies were not only accused of knowing about the defect as early as 2000, but also of manipulating test results to make the CAEv2 earplugs appear to meet government standards.

Without the necessary protection of adequate noise reduction, thousands of U.S. servicemembers may have unknowingly suffered permanent hearing loss and auditory damage from the din of gunfire and explosions, resulting in injury, pain and suffering, loss of consortium, and medical bills.

If you or a loved one were an actively deployed service member between 2003 and 2015 and have been diagnosed with partial or total hearing loss or tinnitus caused during service in the U.S. military, please submit the contact form on this page to discuss your potential legal options.

Chlorpyrifos Lawsuit

If your child was exposed to chlorpyrifos in utero and has since been diagnosed with brain damage, neurological deficits, ADHD or other potential side effects, contact an experienced chlorpyrifos injury lawyer today for legal help. You may have grounds to file a chlorpyrifos lawsuit against Dow AgroSciences, in order to pursue financial compensation for your family’s medical bills, pain and suffering, future medical care and other damages.

What is Chlorpyrifos?

Chlorpyrifos is a broad-spectrum, chlorinated organophosphate (OP) insecticide first registered for use in the United States in 1965. The chemical works by attacking the nervous system and inhibiting the breakdown of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (Ach), which allows it to kill insects on contact. Unfortunately, research shows that the effect of chlorpyrifos on the brain and nervous system may pose a risk to developing fetuses exposed to the pesticide in utero. According to reports, chlorpyrifos, a neurotoxin originally developed for chemical warfare and later repurposed for agriculture, is unsafe for public health and is particularly harmful to children and farmworkers.

Why is there a Chlorpyrifos Lawsuit?

For more than 50 years, chlorpyrifos has been used by farmers and homeowners, sprayed liberally on crops and around homes to kill pests like mosquitos and fire ants. In-home use of the chemical was restricted in 2000, due to toxicity concerns, but the pesticide continues to be one of the most heavily used insecticides in the United States and around the world, sprayed on 8.5 million crop acres worldwide. This is despite a growing body of research suggesting that prenatal and early life exposure to chlorpyrifos can cause devastating, irreversible brain damage and other serious side effects in children.

Side Effects Linked to Chlorpyrifos

• Delayed motor development
• Reduced IQ
• Loss of working memory
• Neurodevelopmental problems
• Attention disorders (ADHD)
• Behavioral disorders
• Birth defects
• Brain damage
• Impaired fetal brain development
• Impaired fetal nervous system development
• Developmental delays
• Impaired cognitive abilities

Links to Chlorpyrifos Studies Alleging Side Effects

Archives of Environmental Health Study Highlighting Reports of Birth Defects in Babies Exposed to Chlorpyrifos in Utero
Study Linking Prenatal Exposure to Chlorpyrifos and Brain Anomalies in Children
Research Linking Agricultural Pesticide Use and Adverse Birth Outcomes
Study Examining Parental Exposure to Pesticides and Birth Defects in Babies

Recent Chlorpyrifos News

In response to growing concerns about the potential health risks associated with chlorpyrifos exposure, scientists with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended a ban on the chemical in 2015, a ban Dow AgroSciences argued was unjustified. Two years later, the EPA overruled its own scientists and declined to ban chlorpyrifos, citing scientific uncertainty about the potential risk to human health. The EPA’s decision to reverse the Obama-era effort to ban chlorpyrifos resulted in a coalition of environmental groups and farmworkers filing a lawsuit, which was resolved in August 2018, in a decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The federal appeals court ruled that then-EPA chief Scott Pruitt violated federal law and endangered public health by keeping chlorpyrifos on the market, despite extensive research showing that even minimal exposure to the pesticide can harm babies’ developing brains. As a result of the decision, the EPA was ordered to remove chlorpyrifos from the market in the United States within 60 days.

As more information comes to light about the potential risk of birth defects from prenatal exposure to chlorpyrifos, U.S. states are finally taking action to limit the use of chlorpyrifos in the agricultural industry. In December 2017, the state of California added chlorpyrifos to its Prop 65 list of substances known to cause cancer, reproductive harm and birth defects, and in June 2018, Hawaii became the first state to institute a ban on chlorpyrifos, effectively sending a message “to the EPA and to the chemical companies that we will no longer tolerate being ground zero for the testing of toxic pesticides that are damaging our children’s health and poisoning our environment.” The chlorpyrifos ban in Hawaii took effect in January 2019, though companies needing more time to respond to the ban could apply for temporary permits that would allow them to use chlorpyrifos until December 2022.

How Do I Join the Chlorpyrifos Lawsuit?

The neurotoxicity of pesticides like chlorpyrifos has been evident for decades, yet companies like Dow AgroSciences continue to market their products to farmers and homeowners, claiming that they are safe and effective for use in protecting food crops from insect damage. Unfortunately, when expectant mothers are exposed to these toxic chemicals during pregnancy, the effects on their developing children can be devastating and long-lasting. If your child was exposed to chlorpyrifos during pregnancy and has since suffered developmental delays, attention-deficit disorders, reduced IQ or other potential birth defects, you may have grounds to file a chlorpyrifos lawsuit against Dow AgroSciences for damages. Contact a knowledgeable chlorpyrifos birth defect attorney as soon as possible to explore your possible compensation options.

Demanda de Monsanto Roundup

¿QUÉ ES herbicida Roundup?

Roundup es un herbicida fabricado por Monsanto que contiene glifosato, que está diseñado para inhibir una enzima llamada EPSP sintasa, algo que las plantas necesitan para crecer. Sin EPSP sintasa, las plantas son capaces de producir otras proteínas esenciales para el crecimiento, y que finalmente se marchitan y mueren, en el transcurso de días o semanas. Roundup se pulveriza sobre el césped y cultivos para el control de muchas variedades de plantas exóticas invasoras, y el uso del herbicida se ha incrementado dramáticamente en los últimos años, debido en gran parte a la introducción de “Roundup Ready” cultivos de Monsanto, que están modificados genéticamente (OMG) a ser resistentes a glifosato.


A pesar de que Monsanto ha comercializado Roundup como un producto seguro, “biodegradable” y “medio ambiente”, numerosos estudios publicados en los últimos 20 años han demostrado que el herbicida en realidad puede estar ligada a un aumento del riesgo de cáncer y otros problemas médicos. Como resultado, los consumidores que han sido diagnosticados con enfermedades graves como el linfoma no Hodgkin después de haber sido expuestos al Roundup están llevando a cabo las demandas de responsabilidad por productos contra Monsanto, alegando que la compañía no proporcionó advertencias adecuadas sobre los posibles riesgos para la salud de Roundup, e intencionalmente datos falsos sobre la seguridad del herbicida

EFECTOS secundarios relacionados al Roundup herbicida Roundup está clasificada como la segunda césped y jardín herbicida más utilizado en los Estados Unidos, y se comercializa como fácil de usar y eficaz contra las malas hierbas invasoras, como los dientes de león, la hiedra venenosa y kudzu. De acuerdo con un creciente cuerpo de investigación, sin embargo, las personas que trabajan o viven cerca de granjas donde se utiliza el Roundup puede estar en riesgo de consecuencias graves para la salud, incluyendo:

  • Linfoma no Hodgkin
  • Enfermedad de Parkinson
  • Cáncer de pulmón
  • Cáncer de cerebro
  • Cáncer de tiroides
  • Enfermedad del riñón
  • Daño en el nervio
  • Leucemia
  • Enfermedad del corazón
  • Esclerosis múltiple
  • Enfermedad respiratoria
  • Defectos de nacimiento
  • Esterilidad

ESTUDIOS ROUNDUP que alegan Efectos secundarios En 1985, el New York Times publicó un informe citando a un comité de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA), que encontró que la exposición al Roundup herbicida puede causar cáncer, pero seis años más tarde, la EPA invierte sus conclusiones después de reevaluar el estudio que su conclusión original estaba basado en. Ahora la cuestión de la seguridad de Roundup está de vuelta en los titulares, y en marzo de 2015, la revista The Lancet Oncology publicó un informe de la Agencia Internacional para la Investigación sobre el Cáncer (IARC), que indica que el glifosato contenida en el Roundup es un “probable carcinógeno humano. “las investigaciones realizadas en el Paraguay también mostró que los bebés nacidos de madres que viven cerca de campos fumigados con glifosato tenían más del doble el riesgo de sufrir defectos de nacimiento.

RECIENTES resumen de noticias Un poco más de un año después de la IARC, que es el brazo de investigación del cáncer de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), informó que el glifosato era posiblemente carcinógeno para los seres humanos, un juez de California rechazó una solicitud de Monsanto para desestimar una denuncia presentada por un hombre que afirmó que desarrolló el linfoma no Hodgkin, como resultado de estar expuesto a Roundup. Mientras tanto, el glifosato ha sido prohibido en Sri Lanka, debido a su presunto vínculo con la enfermedad renal, Brasil está considerando hacer lo mismo, México y los Países Bajos han impuesto nuevas restricciones al herbicida, y Canadá ha comenzado el proceso de considerar nueva Roundup reglamentos.

¿CÓMO unirse a la demanda REDONDEAR.MAS?

Si usted ha estado expuesto al Roundup, ya sea mientras se trabaja en o que viven cerca de una granja en la que se utiliza el herbicida potencialmente peligroso, y que ya ha sido diagnosticado con linfoma no Hodgkin, enfermedad renal, enfermedad del corazón u otra enfermedad grave, consultar el conocedor abogados de responsabilidad de productos en Monroe Law Group hoy para discutir cómo puede unirse a los litigios Roundup. Los abogados de Monroe Law Group tienen años de experiencia ayudando a los individuos persiguen una compensación económica por las lesiones y costosas facturas médicas asociadas con productos de consumo peligrosos, y que sólo se les paga si usted gana su caso.

No hay riesgo de que en consultar uno de nuestros abogados hoy. Póngase en contacto con Monroe Law Group ahora por teléfono al 866-308-1092 o por correo electrónico a intake@monroelawgroup.com para organizar para su libre, sin obligación de consulta.

Monsanto Roundup Use Linked to Cancer

Monsanto Roundup Weed Killer Lawsuit // Monroe Law Group

The link between Roundup and cancer is believed to be associated with the pesticide’s active ingredient, glyphosate, which the IARC says is “probably carcinogenic,” or cancer-causing. Unfortunately, because non-Hodgkin lymphoma can have a latency period of five to 20 years, people exposed to Roundup weed killer through direct skin contact may have the cancer for years without even knowing it. The risk of cancer is present for individuals ranging from those who simply use the product in the yards or gardens to individual who work in landscaping or on farms.

How is Roundup Used?

Whether or not you’ve handled Roundup yourself, you’ve probably been exposed to the allegedly harmful herbicide, which has been used frequently in American households since the 1970s, and sprayed on millions of acres of farmland since the 1990s. According to a Consumer Reports article published in March 2015, “The herbicide glyphosate, known by the commercial name Roundup, is the most commonly used agricultural pesticide in the U.S. on farms.” What’s more, “Glyphosate use has increased tenfold in the past 20 years thanks to the rise in genetically modified corn and soy.” Most of these corn and soy crops are designed to be resistant to glyphosate, which means the pesticide can be sprayed liberally on fields, farms and even in home gardens, killing the weeds without risk to the crops.

Demandas de Monsanto Roundup

Recent research has found that Roundup may increase the risk of serious illnesses among people who come in direct contact with the herbicide, i.e. people who are spraying it, workers in the vicinity of fields where Roundup is sprayed, and people handling soil contaminated with Roundup. The scary part is, Roundup can also end up in our food, but we have no idea how much of it does, because the government doesn’t regularly test produce for it. And when Roundup and other pesticides are applied to farms, fields or home gardens, their residues can end up in our drinking water. People in close proximity to these areas can also breathe in some of the product without even realizing it. As Charles Benbrook, Ph.D., of Washington State University so aptly puts it, “When a single pesticide is used that widely, people can’t help but be exposed to it.” Sadly, this means that millions of people in the United States have been exposed to Roundup, many unknowingly, and may now be at risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma or other serious side effects.

What is Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma?

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a deadly form of cancer that begins in the lymphatic system, a disease-fighting network of organs and tissues that help rid the body of toxins and other waste, and can spread to other parts of the body via tumors that develop from lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that is part of the body’s immune system. There are different types of NHL, the most common being follicular lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, both of which involve the body’s B cells, tasked with producing antibodies to help fight infections. Some common symptoms of non-Hodgkin lymphoma include:

  • Painless, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, groin or armpits
  • Chest pain, trouble breathing or coughing
  • Abdominal pain or swelling
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Night sweats

For individuals with NHL that is aggressive or causes noticeable signs or symptoms, treatment may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a stem cell transplant to kill off the lymphoma cells and replace them with healthy stem cells.

Consult the Knowledgeable Roundup Cancer Lawyers at Monroe Law Group Today

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a deadly type of cancer, and more than 72,000 new cases of NHL are expected to be diagnosed in the United States this year, with 20,000 or more patients expected to die from the disease. The Monroe Law Group is accepting claims from individuals that were exposed to Roundup 3 or more times in a year and exposure can be from industrial use or from use in your own home or garden. Occupations that require workers to handle Roundup directly or indirectly may face the greatest risk of NHL, including nursery or greenhouse workers, crop farm workers and laborers, soil scientists and surveyors, and agricultural equipment operators. Recent product liability lawsuits filed against Monsanto, the maker of Roundup, allege that the company knew about the risk of cancer for more than 30 years, but failed to provide warnings to workers in the agricultural industry. If you were exposed to Roundup weed killer at work in 2003 or later, and you were under 65 years of age at the time of your cancer diagnosis, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other related damages. Contact the experienced Monsanto Roundup attorneys at Monroe Law Group today to find out if you have a claim against Monsanto.

Monsanto’s Roundup Weed Killer is linked to a range of devastating side effects, including: cancer, kidney disease, nerve disorders, & birth defects. // Monroe Law Group

Dodge/Jeep/Chrysler Airbag Lawsuit

At issue is a potentially flawed computer, called an “occupant restraint control module,” that is supposed to work in tandem with a wire harness that detects frontal impacts. If they fail to work as designed, the airbags might not deploy, and the seatbelt pretensioners, which tighten the seat belts in event of a crash, might not work, Fiat Chrysler says.

Affected Vehicles

The vehicles involved in the recall include the following:

  • 2010 Chrysler Sebring midsize car
  • 2011 to 2014 Chrysler 200 midsize cars
  • 2010 to 2012 Dodge Caliber compacts
  • Dodge Avenger midsize
  • Jeep Patriot and Compass vehicles

Actual recall repairs aren’t ready to proceed. “We’re finalizing the remedy and customers will be advised when they may schedule service,” Fiat Chrysler spokesman Eric Mayne says. He said he couldn’t offer any more details on the crash that resulted in the three deaths.

Fiat Chrysler says the occupant restraint controllers and wiring harness cited in the recall are no longer used in its new vehicles.

Other defects associated with Jeep/Chrysler Vehicles

  • Airbags will not deploy after frontal collision
  • Sudden inability to steer your car while driving
  • Engine can suddenly shutoff while driving
  • Power brakes may suddenly stop working while driving

Pursuing Compensation for Injuries/Death Resulting from Jeep/Chrysler Defects

The long-term effects of an auto accident are not always immediately clear. If you or a loved one was in an accident in one of the affected vehicles, contact the knowledgeable defective product and personal injury attorneys at the Monroe Law Group today for legal help. You may be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries or losses, which you can pursue by filing a product liability lawsuit against Chrysler.

Alert: Due to statute of limitations, the time you have to pursue an injury or defective product claim is limited. Call us right away at 866-308-1092, email us at intake@monroelawgroup.com, or complete the form on this page now.

Toyota/Takata Air Bag Recall

To date, the faulty Takata-made air bags have been linked to more than 100 injuries and at least 13 deaths in vehicles manufactured by 17 different automakers. If you were injured in an accident involving a defective Takata air bag, consult an experienced attorney as soon as possible to discuss the possibility of filing a claim for compensation.

Defective Takata Air Bags

The Takata air bag recall is “the largest and most complex safety recall in U.S. history,” according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), affecting more than 100 million vehicles from more than a dozen auto manufacturing companies, including Honda, Ford, Toyota, Acura, BMW, Subaru, Mitsubishi and Mazda. The recalled vehicles were equipped with Takata-made air bags that, when deployed even in minor collisions, could deploy explosively and shoot metal shrapnel at drivers and passengers, turning what was intended as a safety feature into an extremely dangerous and potentially deadly vehicle component.

Millions of Vehicles Affected by Recall

In early May 2016, Takata Corporation reported that it was declaring another 35 million to 40 million U.S. air bag inflators defective at the urging of federal regulators, bringing the total number of recalled vehicles up to 100 million or more. According to Toyota, this latest air bag recall affects some, but not all, models of Matrix, Corolla, Yaris, 4Runner, Scion xB, Sienna, and Lexus ES, GX and IS vehicles manufactured between 2006 and 2011. Later that same month, Toyota announced that it would recall close to 1.6 million additional U.S. vehicles for front-passenger-side Takata-made air bags that could overinflate and rupture.

Problem With Air Bag Inflators

The root of the problem is the inflator used in Takata-made air bags, a metal cartridge loaded with propellant wafers, which can cause metal shrapnel to be sprayed into the passenger compartment of a vehicle if the inflator housing ruptures with explosive force in an accident. Although the various Takata air bag recalls affect vehicles manufactured and sold throughout the United States, Takata’s primary focus will be on replacing vehicles’ air bag inflators in geographic locations that experience persistent heat and absolute humidity, like Florida and Hawaii, as these factors are thought to have an effect on the performance of the inflators.

Takata Air Bag Settlement Agreement

Through various recall announcements, the Takata air bag recall has tripled in size over the past year, but there are still millions more vehicles out there with Takata air bags that have yet to be recalled. As a result of the air bag defect, the Japanese auto parts maker faces a growing number of lawsuits filed on behalf of vehicle owners who suffered severe injuries when their air bags ruptured, and on behalf of families who have lost loved ones in accidents with defective Takata air bags. In one highly-publicized air bag settlement, Takata agreed to pay $3 million in a lawsuit filed on behalf of a woman who was killed when the air bags in her Honda Accord ruptured in an accident.

The Experienced Takata Air Bag Attorneys at Monroe Law Group Can Help

If you or a loved one has been adversely affected by a defective Takata air bag, contact the knowledgeable product liability lawyers at Monroe Law Group today at to discuss your legal options. You may have grounds to file a lawsuit against Takata Corporation, in order to seek fair and timely reimbursement for your injuries, past and future medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, funeral expenses and other damages associated with the faulty air bags.

There is no risk to you in consulting one of our lawyers today. Contact Monroe Law Group now by phone at 866-308-1092 or by email at intake@monroelawgroup.com to arrange for your free, no-obligation consultation.


Nexium and Prilosec are proton pump inhibitors or PPIs used to treat acid reflux. Recent studies have linked long term use of these medications to increased risk of kidney disease by 20-50%. Frequent use of Nexium or Prilosec OTC can allegedly lead to kidney disease and renal failure, which can cause serious injury or death. Symptoms of Kidney disease include fever, blood in the urine, nausea or vomiting, weight gain, and skin rash, and regular users of Nexium for heartburn should be aware that these symptoms may indicate renal failure caused by use of their acid reflux medication.


You pay nothing until you win your case. Monroe Law Group pays for all costs of the lawsuit up front, and if don’t win, you pay nothing! If we win, you pay a percentage of the awarded settlement.

Latest News

April 2016 — The Journal of the American Society of Nephrology recently published a study that allegedly links long-term use of proton pump inhibitor antacid medications such as Nexium and Prilosec OTC with a 96% increased risk of kidney failure as well as a 26% increased risk of chronic kidney disease.

Nexium Side Effects

Some of the most serious side effects of Nexium, Prilosec OTC and other PPIs include:

  • Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
  • Nephritis
  • Kidney failure
  • Bone fractures
  • Low magnesium levels
  • Tetany (muscle spasm)
  • Infections
  • Arrhythmia and heart problems
  • Seizures

Do you have a lawyer representing you in this matter?

The Monroe Law Group is accepting Nexium, Prilosec and other PPI inhibitor cases for individual that have suffered Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Nephritis, or Kidney failure in all 50 states. If you or loved one has been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Nephritis, or Kidney failure, you should contact our expert Nexium lawsuit attorneys immediately for a free, confidential case consultation. Please call 866-308-1092 or email us at intake@monroelawgroup.com to speak to one of our attorneys, or complete the free case evaluation on this page. Our cases are always free unless there is a settlement or verdict in your favor.

Monsanto Roundup Lawsuit

Monsanto Roundup Weed Killer Lawsuit // Monroe Law Group

What is Roundup Weed Killer?

Roundup is an herbicide manufactured by Monsanto that contains glyphosate, which is designed to inhibit an enzyme called EPSP synthase, something that plants need in order to grow. Without EPSP synthase, plants are unable to produce other proteins essential to growth, and they eventually wither up and die, over the course of days or weeks. Roundup is sprayed on lawns and crops to control many varieties of invasive exotic plants, and use of the herbicide has increased dramatically in recent years, due largely to the introduction of “Roundup Ready” crops by Monsanto, which are genetically modified (GMO) to be resistant to glyphosate.

Why is there a Roundup Lawsuit?

Despite the fact that Monsanto has marketed Roundup as a safe, “biodegradable” and “environmentally friendly” product, numerous studies published over the past 20 years have shown that the herbicide may actually be tied to an increased risk of cancer and other medical problems. As a result, consumers who have been diagnosed with serious illnesses like non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after being exposed to Roundup are now pursuing product liability lawsuits against Monsanto, alleging that the company failed to provide adequate warnings about the potential health risks of Roundup, and intentionally falsified data on the weed killer’s safety.

Side Effects Linked to Roundup Weed Killer

Roundup is ranked as the second most widely used lawn and garden weed killer in the United States, and is marketed as easy-to-use and effective against invasive weeds like dandelions, poison ivy and kudzu. According to a growing body of research, however, people who work on or live near farms where Roundup is used may be at risk for serious health consequences, including:

  • Lymphoma
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Lung cancer
  • Brain cancer
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Kidney disease
  • Nerve damage
  • Leukemia
  • Heart disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Respiratory illness
  • Birth defects
  • Infertility

Roundup Studies Alleging Side Effects

In 1985, the New York Times published a report citing an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) committee, which found that exposure to Roundup weed killer may cause cancer, but six years later, the EPA reversed its findings after reevaluating the study that its original conclusion was based on. Now the question of Roundup’s safety is back in headlines, and in March 2015, the journal The Lancet Oncology published a report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), indicating that the glyphosate contained in Roundup is a “probable human carcinogen.” Research conducted in Paraguay also showed that babies born to mothers living near fields sprayed with glyphosate had more than double the risk of suffering birth defects.

Recent Roundup News

A little over a year after the IARC, which is the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), reported that glyphosate was possibly carcinogenic to humans, a California judge rejected a request by Monsanto to dismiss a complaint brought by a man who claimed that he developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma as a result of being exposed to Roundup. In the meantime, glyphosate has been banned in Sri Lanka, due to its suspected link to kidney disease, Brazil is considering doing the same, Mexico and the Netherlands have imposed new restrictions on the herbicide, and Canada has begun the process of considering new Roundup regulations.

How Do I Join the Roundup Lawsuit?

If you have been exposed to Roundup, either while working on or living near a farm where the potentially dangerous herbicide is used, and you have since been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, kidney disease, heart disease or another serious illness, consult the knowledgeable product liability lawyers at Monroe Law Group today to discuss how you can join the Roundup litigation. The attorneys at Monroe Law Group have years of experience helping individuals pursue financial compensation for injuries and costly medical bills associated with dangerous consumer products, and we only get paid if you win your case.

There is no risk to you in consulting one of our lawyers today. Contact Monroe Law Group now by phone at (855) 222-3888 or by email at intake@monroelawgroup.com to arrange for your free, no-obligation consultation.

Monsanto’s Roundup Weed Killer is linked to a range of devastating side effects, including: cancer, kidney disease, nerve disorders, & birth defects. // Monroe Law Group

Talcum Powder

Talcum Powder Lawsuit // Monroe Law Group

Ovarian Cancer Linked to Talcum Powder/Baby Powder Use

Talcum powder also called talc, is a very widely used product and is an ingredient in baby powder. Talcum powder is also a commonly used ingredient in thousands of additional feminine hygiene products, birth control products including condoms and diaphragms, deodorants, chafing products, and more. Johnson’s Baby Powder is among the most popular talcum powder products.

Studies link talcum powder to ovarian Cancer

There were studies linking talcum powder to ovarian cancer as early as the 1970s, when researchers examining cancerous ovarian tissues discovered talc fibers. More recently, a number of studies have been published, but experts do not agree that there is a causal connection between perineal talcum powder and ovarian cancer.

It appears that inadequate warnings were provided about the potential health risks of talcum powder from:

  • Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder
  • Shower-to-Shower Body Powder
  • Other Talcum Powder Products

According to allegations raised in talcum powder lawsuits, manufacturers placed their desire for profits before consumer safety by withholding information about the potential cancer risk from consumers for years.

Where Talcum Powder is found

  • Baby and body powders
  • Medicated powders
  • Deodorant powders
  • Foot powders
  • Perfumed and cosmetic powders
  • Sanitary pads

Recent studies linking talcum powder and ovarian cancer

Cancer Epidemiology, 2008 – Harvard researchers did analysis of 1,400 women with ovarian cancer against 1,800 women without ovarian cancer and found a 36% increased risk of ovarian cancer with the use of talcum powder.

Cancer Prevention Research, 2013 – Use of talcum powder in “feminine hygiene” was associated with more than a 20% increase in risk of ovarian cancer.

Talcum Powder Lawsuit Information

Women who used talcum powder and developed ovarian cancer may be eligible for compensation to help pay medical bills and to compensate for pain and suffering, claiming that makers of talcum powder products failed to warn of the risks associated with these products.

Alert: Due to statute of limitations, the time you have to pursue a Talcum Powder ovarian cancer claim may be limited. Contact us today by phone at (855) 222-3888 or by email at intake@monroelawgroup.com to get more information.

Recent News

Johnson and Johnson owes $72 million in huge ovarian cancer verdict

Researchers have found a 36% increased risk of Ovarian Cancer among talcum powder users, including Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder, Shower-to-Shower Body Powder, and other talcum powder products. // Monroe Law Group

GM Ignition Switch

GM Ignition Switch Lawsuit // Monroe Law Group

What is the Problem with GM Ignition Switches?

In February 2014, General Motors recalled approximately 800,000 of its small vehicles over concerns about faulty ignition switches, which could cause the engine to shut off during use, thereby disabling the power steering and preventing the airbags from inflating properly in the event of an accident. Over the course of the next several months, GM continued to recall more of its cars allegedly equipped with defective ignition switches, ultimately resulting in a worldwide recall of nearly 30 million Chevrolet, Pontiac, Cadillac, Buick, Oldsmobile and Saturn vehicles. According to reports, the “switch detent plunger,” designed to provide the torque necessary to prevent the ignition from turning off unintentionally, failed to do so, allowing the car engines to shut off unexpectedly during use. Hundreds of injuries and fatalities were allegedly caused by the faulty ignition switches causing the car to turn off, disabling the vehicle’s power steering function and preventing the airbags from deploying.

Models Affected by the GM Ignition Switch Recall

General Motors has been accused of intentionally concealing information about the problem with its ignition switches, allowing consumers to continue using the potentially dangerous vehicles, and therefore contributing to at least 124 deaths and 275 non-fatal injuries involving cars equipped with faulty GM ignition switches. The GM vehicles affected by the ignition switch recall include the following models:

  • Buick Lacrosse 2005-2009
  • Buick Lucerne 2006-2011
  • Cadillac CTS 2003-2011
  • Cadillac Deville 2000-2005
  • Cadillac DTS 2006-2011
  • Cadillac SRX 2004-2006
  • Chevrolet Camaro 2010-2014
  • Chevrolet Cobalt 2005-2010
  • Chevrolet HHR 2006-2011
  • Chevrolet Impala 2000-2014
  • Chevrolet Malibu 1997-2005
  • Chevrolet Monte Carlo 2000-2007
  • Oldsmobile Alero 1999-2004
  • Oldsmobile Intrigue 1998-2002
  • Pontiac G5 2007-2010
  • Pontiac Grand Am 1999-2005
  • Pontiac Grand Prix 2004-2008
  • Pontiac Solstice 2006-2010
  • Saturn Ion 2003-2007
  • Saturn Sky 2007-2010

Compensation for Faulty Ignition Switches

During the course of the investigation launched by the federal government in the aftermath of the GM ignition switch recall, it was revealed that General Motors executives knew about the problem with the faulty ignition switches for at least a decade before issuing the recall in 2014. General Motors itself has linked the defective ignition switches to 124 deaths, nearly ten times the 13 death estimate GM executives initially reported in April 2014, although other sources have reported a death toll of at least 153. As part of a Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, GM gave $600 million in compensation to surviving victims of accidents caused by faulty ignition switches, though a large number of lawsuits have also been filed against General Motors, by those claiming to have suffered injuries or lost loved ones in accidents involving recalled vehicles with defective switches.

Contact the Monroe Law Group today for expert GM ignition switch legal representation

The most alarming thing about the GM ignition switch problem is that something as simple as a heavy keychain could cause the ignition switches to unexpectedly shut off the vehicle engine during use, causing drivers to lose control of their power steering, and, in the event of a crash, preventing the airbags from deploying. If you were injured due to a defective GM ignition switch, or if you lost a loved one in an accident involving a recalled General Motors vehicle, don’t hesitate to discuss your claim with the experienced GM ignition switch attorneys at the Monroe Law Group. You may be entitled to reimbursement for your losses, which you can pursue by filing a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit against General Motors.

Alert: Due to statute of limitations, the time you have to pursue a GM ignition switch claim is limited. Call us right away at 866-308-1092, email us at intake@monroelawgroup.com, or complete the form on this page now.

GM Ignition Switch Recall effects nearly 30 million Chevrolet, Pontiac, Cadillac, Buick, Oldsmobile and Saturn vehicles. Compensation is available for those involved in an accident due to a faulty ignition switch. // Monroe Law Group